Between 2012 and 2021 John Eversley was employed directly by the Gibson Institute at Queen’s University Belfast and also carried out assignments for the Science Shop and Graduate School at Queen’s under contract with ppre for specific programmes:
Education round the policy-making process and responsible research
Teaching undergraduates research skills
Mastering Your Leadership
Preparing for the (remote) workplace
Students on many courses undertake placements. Some also have jobs while studying and will apply for jobs on completing their studies. Universities need to prepare students for the workplace. Working remotely is not likely to be a just a temporary phenomenon.
Actors from Big Telly theatre company perform a 5-minute scene of how not to have a meeting with a supervisor when working from home. Students are then invited to identify all the bad practice and to show better ways of conducting a meeting. It is based on the idea of Forum Theatre, originally developed by Augusto Boal.
Getting help during a placement
Another scenario, this time devised and acted by students themselves about a student on placement needing help…but getting it. Again, the students replay the scene suggesting better ways of handling the situation.
Virtual field trips and interviews
The Covid 19 Pandemic means that students have not been able to go on field trips.
A collection of short films which explore the vital part which peat bogs on the island of Ireland play in carbon capture, maintaining biodiversity and providing clean, safe water economically.
Students on various courses at Queen’s and Ulster Universities undertake projects in relation to Sailortown in Belfast. These three films give an introduction to the area
This is a collection of videos, some made by our partners ppre and Blue Topaz about the Sailortown area of Belfast including a forty-minute walk round Sailortown with Terry Mckeown from the Sailortown Regeneration Group